Saturday, March 26, 2016

USPSA Action Pistol Match 03/26/2016

I finally felt like I was back in the zone (as far as accuracy) for this USPSA action pistol match at the Shooter Ready Action Pistol Sports outdoor range in Canyon, TX, but I again had some trigger reset issues with my Springfield Armory 1911 on a couple of stages. 😕 The trigger reset issue got really bad during the classifier stage at the end of the match.  I absolutely hate it when I don't do good at a match due to an equipment malfunction (placed 6th out of 22 total).  I'm going to replace all of the MIM internal trigger parts with some better quality stuff to hopefully make this gun a little more reliable before shooting it at a match again.

Springfield Armory Trophy Match 1911

Saturday, March 19, 2016

USPSA Action Pistol Match 03/19/2016

This was a special USPSA Classifier match at Patriot Outdoors in Clovis, NM.  Since I'm already classified as B-class in both Production and Limited, I decided to bring my 1911 and get classified in Single Stack.  I was having issues with the trigger not resetting a few times during the first three stages, and ended up taking the gun apart to tweak the sear spring in between stages for a more positive trigger reset.  I don't think I did too bad (placed 3rd out of 38 total), but I certainly didn't do that great either (I am now C-class).  One of the most surprising stages for me was the last one, which was three strings (standing, kneeling, and prone) shooting a target at 50 yards.  I absolutely suck at long distance shots and I had no idea how the 1911 would shoot with my home-loaded ammo at that distance.  To my surprise, I actually did pretty well compared to everyone else on my squad.  I figured I was going to tank that stage badly. As much as I love my CZ SP-01, I am really enjoying shooting the 1911. 😉

Springfield Armory Trophy Match 1911

Sunday, March 13, 2016

IDPA Action Pistol Match 03/13/2016

I had another shitty performance at this IDPA action pistol match at the Amarillo Rifle and Pistol Club (placed 5th out of 14 total). After reviewing the video, it appears that I am running at a pretty good pace, but I made a mistake on the first target of the match (shot it out of sequence = 3 second penalty), hit a non-threat target on two of the stages (5 seconds for each non-threat), and my accuracy wasn't that great overall (trying to go too fast).  I don't know if I am just still getting used to the 1911 again, or if I'm just losing my touch. Either way... it's very frustrating! 😕

Springfield Armory Trophy Match 1911

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

IDPA Indoor Action Pistol Match 2/10/2016

I had a very disappointing performance at this IDPA indoor action pistol match at the Texas Panhandle Pistol Club. I ran the first stage... SLOW. Not sure why.  Second stage was okay, but had a miss on that fast as hell swinging target.  I finally started picking up the pace on the third stage, but ended up with a procedural penalty for shooting some targets out of order.  I finally got my ass in gear and rocked the last stage, but the damage was done on the first three stages (still managed to place 2nd out of 13 total). I enjoyed shooting my 1911 again now that I'm loading my own .45 ACP ammo.

Springfield Armory Trophy Match 1911